Movin’ & Groovin’

Combo of Ballet, Tap, and Jazz Classes For Children


5-7 years old

Length of Class

60 min


Mondays 4:30pm
Wednesdays 6:00pm
Saturdays at 11:00am


Monthly Members: $65
Try One Month: $70
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Movin & Groovin Class

Wiggle, giggle, move, and groove in this perfect combination of three awesome dance styles! We spend a little time in each style – ballet, tap, and jazz – teaching the basics and having fun movin’ and groovin’! This dance class is designed for wiggly, high-energy kids.

Try One Month

Try 4 Classes for 30 Days
*Only Pay for the Trial
*No Membership Cost or Commitment
*Can Mix-and-Match to Try Different Classes
*No Member Benefits
(like make-ups for missed classes, tuition discounts, or priority placement)

Trial Rate for 4 Classes in 30 Days:
30 Min Classes = $60
45 Min Classes = $65
60 Min Classes = $70
90 Min Classes = $80

Become a Member

Choose A Membership
Membership Paid Annually (enrolls for 12 months)


1 Class / Week $40


2 Classes / Week $30


3 Classes / Week $20

*Tuition Still Month to Month
*Can Cancel with 30 Days' Notice
(No long commitments or fees for cancelling mid-year)
*Receive Member Benefits
(like make-ups for missed classes, tuition discounts, free trials in other styles, or priority placement)

Monthly Member Tuition Rate:
30 Min = $55 for 1/week or $104.50 for 2/week
45 Min = $60 for 1/week or $114.00 for 2/week
60 Min = $65 for 1/week or $123.50 for 2/week
90 Min = $75 for 1/week